Welcome to johnchristianmusic.com!
Home to JC Custom Electric Guitars in Spicewood Texas
contact: johnnyguitarchristian@gmail.com

John's YouTube channel:

Please Subscribe!

Johnny C and the Show is a band in the Austin/Spicewood Texas area that plays fun music you can dance to.
Featuring the father/daughter team of John Christian (guitar, vocals) and Jewel Jaksha (Bass, vocals).
Bill Rowell (saxophone, vocals) and Rick Tocquigny on drums, vocals.

John Christian is a musician and a songwriter from Texas.
John is the lead guitar player for the Pearl Snaps.
Here is a link to the Pearl Snaps website:

The Pearl Snaps

Band Bio:

Band Shows:


John Christian - Lead Guitar
The Pearl Snaps:


The Slip

Have Another Cup of Mud

Country Love

Taking the show on the Road

Fried Chicken Boogie

Honky Tonk Shack

Drunk Drivers on the Dance Floor

Living in a Dog House Now

John Christian on Spotify:

Rock on!

John's Reverbnation Jukebox:

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